Leaders in Forestry Attachments
As a part of the Quadco Group, Log Max prides itself on a commitment to delivering quality products for efficient operations and high-powered durability: that’s why Log Max harvesting heads are working hard in over thirty countries around the world. With headquarters in both Grangärde, Sweden, and Kalama, Washington, USA, Log Max heads are backed by trustworthy customer service and product support, no matter where in the world you are.
Products In Action
The LogMax 7000XT
The unprecedented delimbing power of the Log Max 7000 is on display here with Callsen Cutting. The 7000XT model is a great option for branch-heavy, large wood, and performs at high speed and power no matter the job. The variable displacement feeder roller adapts to your needs, providing a faster speed with smaller stems and automatically boosting the power with heavier, branched trees.
Shown here on a CAT, the 7000XT also performs exceptionally when it comes to measuring, cutting, and sorting. The chain saw is hydraulically powered and features a pressure-controlled feed force. The head feeds wood at high speeds with two hydraulically driven rollers. When it comes to delimbing, the 7000 shines with four movable knives made to keep friction and pulling force high.
The LogMax 10000XT
The LogMax 10000XT is at the top of its game. This head has incredible precision, power, and durability, making it a great option for harvesting and processing alike. With an integrated top saw, the 10000XT is productive and versatile. As you can see here with Siegmund Excavation, it can easily handle large logs with control and power.
With five moveable knives for optimum delimbing power, the LogMax 10000 XT feeds wood with exceptional force using its two hydraulic rollers mounted on piston-type motors. The LogMax 10000XT is a reliable choice for any heavy-duty logging job.